Copy of Repairs


During the pandemic, cycling became ever more significant form of transportation (avoiding crowded public transport) and exercising, recommended to keep physically and mentally healthy while being safe from being infected.

But what if your bike is broken?

Whether you are working from home-office, (self) isolating, uncomfortable wearing a mask in shops or just discouraged by the cold, rain and wind... We have a solution for you!
To curb the spread of COVID-19, we offer you a completely FREE pick-up and delivery for all your bikes until the end of the lockdown.

Needless to say, every pick-up includes full check and assessment of your bike, as well as spare bike.


 Note: The offer is valid from 4.1. to 7.2.2021, only for bookings made through the button below and only for transport Monday - Friday, in time window 18 - 20. Serviced areas are 9000, 9200, 9220, 9400, 9260, 9360, 9310 and 9430.



We love what we do.
We at FlexiFix know that your success and happiness is derived from a well functioning bicycle.
Therefore we provide an outstanding service. Precise and high quality. Friendly. In time. Long-lasting with guarantee. At best prices.


During the time of repairs, you can get a spare bicycle for no charge at all.
We can pick your bike up and / or deliver it again when it is fixed. This service costs 75 kr / trip during the day and just 50 kr in time window 18 -19.

 The perfect bicycle policy
We have a dream in which all bikes are repaired in a proper manner, using brain and craftsmanship. In which they are repaired fully so that the working life can be as long as possible.
That is why we always check your bike in full when you give it to us and not just fix the thing you say is broken - often bike problems are connected and we aim to solve the cause, not just the result.You also get warned about everything that might become a problem in the future and how to prevent it or how to adjust your riding habits.
There is no "servicetjek" or "sikkerhedstjek" - those are a waste of money. When you bring a bike, we inspect it for FREE and recommend all the repairs to make your bike back to perfect shape, including a price estimate.
Then you are only going to pay for the REAL job and value you get.

 No cure, no pay
Sure enough, if we are not able to solve the problem you came with, we are not going to charge a single øre. Same goes if you are not perfectly happy with the result of our work.

 Is smart the new sexy?
Remember the good old times when people valued intellect over looks? Thankfully, this trend is coming back. And it is the same with bicycle repairs.
Often, we see work done by "nice and polished" shops that is unprofessional and definitely not as it should be. 
For instance - chain replacement. Some mechanics are just so lazy they just remove the old chain and put a new one without cleaning or adjusting anything. The result is the new chain getting dirty from the old dust and grease on chainrings, causing it to wear out faster. Or friction under the sprocket (that is worn out), causing the wheel to stop and slowing your ride. Not mentioning the problem if the chain is not tight enough.
Our workshop might not look perfect, but we always do the job properly - everything around the chain will be clean, gears and wheel adjusted.


 What we DO fix:

  • citybikes - all types of gears and brakes
  • MTBs - all types
  • trekking / touring bikes - all types
  • racing bikes - all types
  • cargo bikes - all types
  • mechanical parts of e-bikes


 What we DO NOT fix (yet):

  • high-end parts requiring specific tools (e.g. rear suspension)
  • electrical parts of e-bikes



Your final price for any repair will always consist of three items: partslabor and VAT.

Most importantly, when we're fixing your bicycle, you are getting all the new parts for the lowest market price. Same applies when you are buying some accessory from us. Most of the common parts are already in stock and can be used immediately, however some specific ones have to be ordered.

It is also possible to mount an used part for proportional price depending on its depreciation.

We do not work with parts you bring, unless it is agreed before due to an adequate reason. Just imagine you go to a restaurant for dinner and bring a bottle of wine from supermarket. 
If you ask us to use your parts, we will charge a flat rate of 50 kr. per piece.

Our basic rate is 180 kr. / hour + VAT, but we will only charge you for the time it actually took to repair your issue.

 Value Added Tax
The current VAT rate in Denmark is 25% of what we earn. We have no use for this money, we just forward them to SKAT.


Our values:

We guarantee our repairs to be long lasting. If we made a mistake and the original problem comes back or the repaired part breaks down, we commit to fix it again for free.

You study, you work. Your time is valuable. It is our priority to fit in your time schedule so you do not have delays or additional bus costs etc. We are here for you when everyone else is closed. Around the clock availability and mobility makes your life easier.

Reuse. Recycle. Renovate. If it's possible to save an old bike or its part (tube, brakes, cables, seats, ...), we prefer to repair it and reuse it rather than thoughtlessly replace it for a new one. However, sometimes it's easier and more helpful to install a new part, in that case we forward the metal and rubber waste to be recycled carefully.